
September 2022 Broadband Update

September 2022 Broadband Update

Upcoming Meetings and Events

NTIA Local Coordination Webinar

Local and Tribal coordination and stakeholder engagement is critical to the success of the federal Internet For All programs. Register for the Sept. 28 NTIA Local Coordination Webinar for an in-depth look into what successful local coordination and outreach activities look like to engage local governments, community groups, union and worker organizations, Tribal Governments, and underrepresented populations.

Permitting Roundtable

On Oct. 6, 2022, the California Department of Technology and Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development will host a Local Jurisdiction Permitting roundtable to share and explain how the California Local Jurisdiction Permitting Playbook can be used to support local jurisdiction broadband deployment and permitting efforts. The session will walk through the Permitting Playbook and include time for Q&A, open discussion, and technical assistance.

California Broadband Council

Please join the California Broadband Council on Oct. 12 for a year-end review of the progress on the State’s Broadband for All program and other digital equity initiatives. This is the final meeting of 2022. The Broadband Council meeting agenda and meeting link we will posted on the CBC website.

Middle-Mile Advisory Committee

Significant progress on the state’s Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative was presented at the Sept. 16 Middle-Mile Advisory Committee meeting. The full recording, presentation, and transcripts are available on the MMBI website. Following are highlights:

  • CDT and Caltrans will be going out to bid for construction contracts for a majority of the system by Oct. 14., and most of the 10,000 mile network is expected to be under contract by May 2023.
  • CDT is preparing solicitations to identify opportunities to lease existing infrastructure, conduct joint builds and colocation for the statewide system.
  • Caltrans reported that 73 percent of preconstruction is now in process statewide, up from 40 percent in Aug. 2022.

The next MMAC meeting takes place on Oct. 21.

Last Mile Programs

Local Agency Technical Assistance

The CPUC’s Local Agency Technical Assistance (LATA) Program accepts Broadband Technical Assistance applications in monthly windows. Applicants are encouraged to apply before the end of a month to be reviewed sooner.

To apply and for more information, including a webinar, FAQ, list of applications received, and application materials, visit the program website.

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The Affordable Connectivity Program – Back to School Push!

The White House recently kicked off a back-to-school push for increased enrollment in the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). While California is leading the nation in enrollment, we need your assistance to increase awareness and uptake in the most difficult to reach communities and households. Following are two resources released by the White House:

Nation Digital Inclusion Week is October 3-7

Digital Inclusion Week aims to raise awareness of solutions addressing home internet access, personal devices, and local technology training and support programs. Find helpful resources and information on Digital Inclusion Week.

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